The special screening of the documentary film “American Tournee” directed by Piotr Jaworski is behind us. Krakow Film Klaster is the producer of this document.
We are grateful to the President of RDC Radio Tadeusz Deszkiewicz (heirs of rights after Stanisław Wisłocki and initiator of the creation of the film) for his involvement in the project from the first to the last chord, including the organization of the premiere screening in the Philharmonic hall.
“American Tournee” directed by Piotr Jaworski is a unique project – a challenge for the producer. Not only because of the subject matter but primarily because of the materials on which we worked. It was a very detailed and painstaking work: looking for memories, letters, documentation. The work on the film itself lasted over 3 years. The tour has been in metal cassettes for 48 years. For the most part, Stanisław Wisłocki’s materials are mute, and time has done its part and without proper commentary revealing the backstage and contexts of events, the viewer remains helpless. To discover the American tour, we searched the memories of the participants, the archives of the Polish Radio and the National Philharmonic, notes and letters. Only on the basis of such meticulous documentation could we have constructed a credible film narrative. Key fragments of concerts had to be sound-proofed. Both at the level of sound and image, we couldn’t have been wrong, everything had to sound and look like during a tour. Also with full awareness, I can say that this document is not only a beautiful story that needs to be reminded. It is also a huge work on details, color and above all the sound of the American tour. “- says producer of the film Aneta Zagórska, Krakow Film Klaster.